Monday, March 30, 2009

How Can We Help?

Relay for shelf...Red River Valley sandbags... habitat for humanity.

Giving back to the community involves rewards that are larger than we think. What are the rewards of become involved with volunteer or fundraising efforts? For those of you who have given back to the community, what did it feel like? How can it improve our understanding of communities? What are the long term effects of volunteering your time?


  1. It can be good for college.
    It can give you a better reputation for your teachers, or your parents or friends.
    It could make you a better person.

  2. I think giving back to the community brings people together. The people that you help will be forever thankful, and will be willing to help you out when you need it too. It's nice to know you can help.

  3. you feel like you have done something good for the area that you have helped. Also by doing this you get to know more people and explore more parts of a town or city. You can be recognized for this in a job interview.
    Taylor E.

  4. When you volunteer and help others it makes you feel good in knowing that you made someone else feel better and or made their life easier.

  5. The rewards for giving back to the community is you feel very good about yourself. You are very happy wiht whatever it is that you did. It also just makes your community a better place to live in as well. Helping out within a community too brings a lot of people closer together and more connected and that's always good to have in a community.

    Nick Zimmerman

  6. The rewards are very much worth it. You feel great when you give back because you know that you've done something spectacular. This is how I felt when I helped out with a donations group. It can improve your understanding by getting to know some of the people you're helping--and thus learning about the community you're helping. It's a great feeling.

    Emmy J

  7. I think that its always good to give back because after your all done you just feel good about yourself. Its easy to think of more ways to help your community.

  8. volunteering in the community is a good feeling, because you know that you helped improve the lives of others.

  9. It saves non-profit organizations from having to hire some or all people to come in and do the work instead of volunteers. volunteering makes you feel good after you know that you have done a good thing.

  10. The rewards for helping out a community can be sometimes life altering. When helping out a community it feels good knowing that your helping others in-need of assistance, and since you helped others they might help you in times of need.

  11. Volunteering is a good thing because it's giving time to someone else who needs help. It shows other people that you care.
    It's the unselfish thing to do which makes you feel good about yourself.
    Long term, you can get into a better college and just be known as a good person through out your life.

  12. The rewards are that you are helping someone less fortunate than you and you know you are making a difference in someone's life. It also makes you feel good to volunteer and it makes you a better person.

  13. I can join in the shoebox of love (not sure on actual name) during christmas, or I could pick up trash in a local park, but I have not yet. I think food shelves are really easy to help with so Isould do that as well.

  14. When you volunteer for things and give back to the community it makes you feel really good. Just to know that you helped others when you didn't have to is a really good feeling. The long term affects of volunteering you time is that you can always put on resimes and things that you have volunteered for things.

  15. Rewards are just knowing you are helping people out with some troubles in there lives, such as the floods or maybe just the food shelf trying to get some people meals every night. The feeling is great, even though your not geting payed it doesnt matter when your helping out people in need. long term affects can be that people are able to rebuild a new life cause of you

  16. Volunteering is a positive experience because it makes you feel like you are helping a cause you believe in. Volunteering gets you more involved in the community and helps you to understand all the hard work it takes to make an event or activity happen. In the long term, volunteering can help you to get a job or into college because it shows that you are interested in helping others.
    Rachel J-Z

  17. When a person gives back to the community and volunteers their time or money it is greatly appreciated and that person should feel good about themselves. When I volunteer I feel amazing because I made a difference or I helped out what little I can. Volunteering brings the better part of people out and you meet new people. While volunteering you see what nice people live in your community and how you all come together as a whole to help out. Long term effects of volunteering include a sense of happiness and good friends and just being a happy person in general.

  18. When you give volunteer for things and also give bach to the community, it makes you feel really good on the inside. It makes you feel good inside knowing that you helped someone when they needed the help. Even if you didn't have to offer that help. The effect of volunteering your time is that, you meet people that are also helping out with the same problem that you are.

  19. You feel like better about yourself when you volunteer. It can help us understand wha tour community needs. Yu can put the experience you gained from volunterring on a resume.

  20. Fundrasing can be good for the communitte. When you do something for the good of everyone or maybe its just one person that you make an impact it feels good to know you made that possible. It help me understand a community isn't just one person its everyone and in order to have a great community we all have to work together. The long term effects is in time if you volunter enough you will make the comunity better and you get to put smiles on people faces.

  21. The rewards of volunteering, and just giving back, are that you're helping someone out that needs it, as well as making the community a better place (whether it be safer to live, or just helping feed those who need food). I haven't personally helped in the community, but I did work at a nursing home, which I think is similar in some ways. It felt amazing whenever I got the chance to help someone, because I knew that it would make that person feel good because they recieved help without having to ask. It improves our understanding of communities because it brings people together fighting for one cause and learning more about the people in that place. The long term effects could be changing people's lives for the better, and improving a community that needed it.
    Katie S.

  22. Being a volunteer is a great experiance and you feel good afterward because you know that you did someting right. You learn a lot about your community while fundraising and volunteering because you meet so many new people.

    Spencer K.

  23. for thanksgiving every year my family goes out super early in the morning to the twin cities to deliver meals for families that need it. So thats kind of rewarding it feels good to know that your helping out others who need it u know? It is really an eye opener to how many people need help in communities its really ashame. If more people donated their time it would really help but its hard to in times like these.

  24. I have volenteered before and i did not enjoy it.
