Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Resume Ideas

Yesterday, we typed a resume. What are some things that you would include on your resume? These can be skills, experiences, volunteer work, interests and so on. Be as specific as you can.


  1. Mostly the only thing that I would be good for is for doing extremly repetitive jobs that no one else would want to do.
    Taylor E.

  2. ....
    I would include that I am still in high school and that I have never had a job before.
    I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to doing important things though.
    I spend a lot of time working on important things, sometime too much time....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would include that I am a good reader, get good grades, and I have never had a job before. I would also put that I love basketball, going to football games, and traveling.

  5. Well I'm a pretty fast reader. I've been in teens as teacher's for two years. My grades are fairly good. I like to make braclets, go to football games and basketball games.

  6. On my resume I would put: I can relate to people very well, i don't loose my temper very easy. I take care of my little sisters all the time so I have patience.

  7. Um... i would include that i keep everything neat, so almost like a perfectionist. For interests i would include that i like to run and play soccer.

  8. I would want to put the wpm that I can type and my qualities that apply to the job that I am putting the resume in for.

    Emmy J

  9. I would put things like being able to talk in front of people, my privius jobs, my intrest include soccer, tennis, swimming, music, and friends. I am a part of a four teams so i now how to work well with others. I have a lot of patience which means I can stay calm when frustrated.

  10. I would include that I have experience working for my dad and babysitting and I have volunteered at Rocky Branch. I would also include that I am a hard worker and have developed good keyboarding skills.

  11. On my resume I would talk about how I did some volenteering at the Food Shelf. I would also talk about my schooling and what classes I have taken that might apply. I would even talk about my ability to be a leader and my work ethic. I might even talk about my free time like playing baseball.


  12. Some of my skills are that I can type at a fast speed. The one interest that I have is, soccer. And thats all I can really say right now.

  13. Some of my skills that I would include in my resume are that I can type fast. My interests are sports. Some of the volunteer work I have done has been threw 4-H and helping out special olympics basketball last year.

  14. I would put into my resume that i have never had a real job. I would like to work somewhere out doors. If not though I also am able to work a computer pretty good.

    Justin B

  15. I would put on my resume that I have communication and customer service skills from my part-time job. I also have leadership skills from the volunteering I used to do at the YMCA and the volunteering I now do at a nursing home.
    Rachel J-Z

  16. i can type about 40 to 42 words per minute. I am a three sport athlete. i work for my dad in the summers in free time, like cleaning up job sites and little stuff for his business. I like to hunt and fish also. It is a good relaxer for me. I do volunteer work for our baseball team. I also average a 3.5 GPA

  17. I would add in that i have taken classes in keyboarding and mechanics, and that I have almost zero experience at anything. I really don't have anything.

  18. My Father used to run a food Bank back in Washington so I could defenately say that I have worked over 100 hours of community service. I am actually kind of a traveler. I have lived in three different continents, have visited over 30 of the states, and am originally from South africa. I also worked for over 250 hours at a snack shack Freshman year. My interests include playing videogames, reading, and riding my bike.

  19. i would add that i have worked preveously at a clothing store selling clothes to customers so i have good people skills. i would also add that i had an A in Advanced Placement US History.

  20. Well i would include that i am a people person. I get along well with others. I like many things like snowboarding, biking, swimming. Im an outdoors kinda guy. as far as past XP. goes i worked full time at mcdonalds over the summer a few years ago that was awful so quit there and went to county market andive been there for over a year so ya.... I'm good with my hands (so ive been told) but im not sure how that could help me. oh i enjoy my sleep so i would like later hours i wouldnt mind working late as long as i got my sleep. but thats about all i have for today keyboarding class so keep it real later

  21. I worked for Chatwells at the University Center for 4 months. I have also worked at a daycare. I manage my younger brother's hockey team. In school, I've taken two business education classes. My GPA is a 3.83. I'm a skilled writer and have won several awards for my writings.

    Katrina C.

  22. Activities and other acomplishments that I would put on a resume would be my job experiences, my school activities, and community activities. These can include are grades, keyboarding skills, coaching, helping out at church, and babysitting.

  23. A few things I could include on my resume are: I volunteered for the Kansas City Cheifs the past 3 summers, I am good at math and science, I am an O.K. artist, I have been able to read at an adut leevel since 3rd grade, and I am really good a Jeopardy because I am a fountain of random trivia and facts

  24. On my resume I would put that I've volunteered at some nursing homes, I get good grades, I have keyboarding skills, I'm very organized, and I get along with people really well.

  25. I work at Saint Croix Valley Dance Academy and i teach little girls how to dance. The girls sometimes get out of hand os i dont get frustrated easy. I also love being socail and teaching people new things or teach someone how to better at something they really want to do well in.

  26. I would put my grades on my resume. I would include saying i love being a leader and in charge and work extremely hard. I would say i love anything to do with sports and if i could have a job that dealt with that, that would be the best for me.

    Nick Zimmerman
