Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome Back

Get Involved.

Colleges and employers often ask about extra-curricular activities in their applications. Why do you think this is important? What sort of extra-curricular activities are you involved in or want to be involved in?


  1. The extra curricular activities that I am in are mainly sports. I have done football, wrestling, powerlifting (kinda a sport), and right now I am currently in Track.

  2. I think it's important to be involved in things outside of school. It shows that you can interact with other people. I play basketball and I am in SOS, but that's all.

  3. I think its important to be involved because it shows that your a hard worker. I'm in golf and i was in teens as teachers.

  4. The reason that I think that they look at this is to see what you are good at and are interested in. And as of now, I'm not in anything but during the fall I do play soccer for the Hudson team.

  5. I think anything you do that requires you to work with others or push yourself is a good thing to write down on a application it shows you could handle many jobs.

  6. I think that it is important because they want to know what kind of things you do in those extra curricular activities and put you in a job that would go with that. The things that I am currently involved in are football, powerlifting, and track and field.
    Taylor E.

  7. I am not currently in any extra curricular things but I would like to join golf.

  8. Extra-curricular activities are a good thing because it keeps the younger generation from having the option of ruining their lives before they begin with drugs and other negative influences. Plus having some extra-curricular activities helps you to land a job because it shows responsibility and hard work that you have done in the past for a good cause.

    Emmy J

  9. I believe this is important to colleges because it shows that you focused not just on school. Kids who absolutly nothing besides school could probably get pretty good grades, so being in extra-curricular activities shows you're involved in other things as well. It also shows you're an all around person. I am in track right now and i was in basketball and football in the fall and winter.

    Nick Zimmerman

  10. I'm not really in any extra activities. I'm in spanish club but I'm not a very active member since I don't cheak my emails very often. I'm also in GSA but I haven't gone to a meeting since winter break. (My schedule got messed up.)

  11. I think it's important so they can see what you've had experience for.
    I don't really know yet..

  12. Its important because thee employers or colleges would see were and what you excell in the most.

  13. I think this is important because extra-curricular activities keep you involved and when you put it on an application, people can see what you are involved in and what skills you may have from it. I am involved in GAC, French Club, and Ecology Club.

  14. I don't think that extra curricular activities are as important as academics, but they are useful and look good on a resume. They usually tell the colleges or employers about someone's secondary skills and hobbies. I'm not involved in too many extra curricular activities. I'm in a club at school and do little things in the community, but that is about it.

    David Donyes

  15. Extra-curricular activities are important because they show that you have interests and are involved. I am involved in sports, volunteering, and working.
    Rachel J-Z

  16. So they know that you are actively involved in something and put time and effort in to it. Sports, 4-H, FFA, Church groups.

  17. Being involved is important because you are helping out the school, community, or job and you are able to interact with other people. I am involved in spanish club, GAC, softball, I also coached girls basketball for little girls for three years and I help out every sunday with preschool sunday school just to name a few.

  18. I think its important because colleges want well rounded people who are going to do things that will benefit the school. My extra-curriculars are softball, dance, and volunteering for a company that ships food to starving children.

  19. I am in three sports Basketball, Baseball, and football. I have worked with my dad in jobs and he is a contractor. in 7th and 8th grade i was in 40 Assets, which was a group that was chosen by the teachers to express the 40 assets to the school. these things are important because you are involed in life and not a lazy person.

  20. I think that the number of extra-cirricular activities you are in shows how good your work ethic is. Most extra-cirricular activities take a lot of time and effort. For extra-cirricular activities I am in basketball and I am in 4-H and thats it.

  21. its important to show that you are involved in things other than school. i am involved in many sports mainly wrestling, baseball and soccer.

  22. I think colleges look at what you do because they want to see what your interested in and what you are good at.
    I am in S.O.S and in the spring and summer I play baseball.

    Spencer K.

  23. I think this is important because people want to know your interests outside of academic. Some of the extra-curriculars that I'm in are: GAC, Spanish Club, school newspaper, Art Club, and Strive.
    Katie S.
