Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finding a Job

As a high school student, you have many skills that employers may look at when making a hiring decision. Take a moment to comment about some of the skills that you possess that could help in an employment search. Here's a hint: keyboarding at ___ per minute, business letters, memos, reports, and tables, Internet research, and so on.


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  2. mostly i am really good at internet reaserch mostly for projects or some kind of homework. Also I can type at about 55 words per minute
    Taylor E.

  3. My skills are that I can type at about 70 words per minute, I am pretty good at being organized, I can talk to people easily, and I can now write reports business or personal letters, I can do tables. A lot of different things on word.

    That's about it.


  4. Well... I know how to format a letter and a report. I can make a table, no problem. And I guess I like computers.

    Katrina C.

  5. One skill that may be needed to do a paticular job would be knowing how to work with a computer. That may means typing a certian amount of words per minute, being able to run Microsoft Word, and maybe knowing how to use Excel.

    Justin B.

  6. I can type symbols at 15 words a minute. I think I could get hired anywhere for any job because i have this skill.

  7. I am learning keyboarding and word processing skills in keyboarding class right now. I also have communication and people skills from my part-time job.
    Rachel J-Z

  8. I can type word documents and I am good at reasearching things on the internet. I type between 40 and 50 words per minute.

  9. Some of the skills that I have that will help me get a good job are: Good gramar, speaking spanish, typing, knowing how to type documents, knowing how to use a regester, and perseverence.

  10. One skill I have is being able to look at what some one is doing and be able to do the same with out troubles.I also am I really good comunicater and I am really good at making speechs. I also love debating i could go all day trying to win a case or something because i never give up and i like compatition.


  11. one of the things i feel i am good at is formatting all of the different types of writing. I am a decent typer but I will most of the time always get the formatting right. not being able to format well, your just a step behind.

  12. A list of my skills would be: I know how to use Microsoft, I'm taking keyboarding in hs, I can make tables/graphs, and I know how to type business, and personal, letters.
    Katie S.

  13. I can keyboard at 80 words per minute. I am a fast reader, and I know how to write business letters in the correct format. I've also learned how to make tables, write reports, and make them all in the proper format as well.

  14. I am can format business letters, make a report, right an outline, and create tables. I'm also able to make a power point presentation.

  15. I keyboard at about 40 words a minute. I'm improving a lot. In my key boarding class I've learned how to type letters and how to type correctly, like keeping my fingers on the home row.

  16. Well to start my typing speed is ranging from 53-60 WPM on average. I also have very applicable social skills that I can use every day to solve problems. I have taken a class last year educating me in employability skills so I can nail the interviews and the resumes, resulting in me getting the job of my dreams--that is after I've worked my way up.

  17. I can type at about 50 words per minute. I am also organized and good at solving problems. Since I am growing up in the age of technology, I am pretty good at dealing with computers in general as well.

  18. I'm kind of good at writing reports. But when it comes to typing, I got some good speed, but to me my speed isn't high enough. I'm also good at doing buisness letters as well. And I'm also really good at doing research on the Internet.

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  20. I am really good at being organized and keeping all my work in one area, so I don't lose it and I know were its located. I work well with others, unless if there people I dislike or get annoyed by.

  21. Honestly I wouldn't want to mention my current keyboarding and computer skills, but for the sake of the blog, I guess I can generate a few laughs toward myself. As you can see my typing skills are quite below average at 28 wpm and my formatting skills with reports, tables, memos, and letters are, at best mediocre, but darn it I can sure search the internet like a pro!

  22. I can type around 55 words per minute. I also know how to format a business letter and reports.

    Spencer K.

  23. Well the hint you gave us is if your looking for a cubicle job. Honestly i think an employer would want to know ones strengths and weaknesses in a business setting. Wether they can keep their cool at some sort of board decision you know? for me I think i would make it in the business world because im a people person i can talk to like anyone and become their friend in a matter of minutes. i can handle situations that require a little insight you know to see through the obvious and make a clear decision or statment. And as far as your hints go if an employer was asking me those kind of questions id get up and walk away because im not spending my career in a little box, with a cup of coffee as my only friend. thats my 2 cents PEACE

  24. I am very good at writing reports, business letters, and doing tables. I am a pretty fast keyboarder at about 55 words per minute. I am also pretty good when typing punctuation and numbers but not as good with symbols. I am also a very fast reader.

  25. Some skills I have that I could mention in a job interview are: I am great at math, I can remember almost anything I see or hear, I cantype at 48 wpm, and I have a some what decent knowledge of formating documents. If I am focusing on something I won't get distracted very easily. I'm kind of a optimist but I can be mean if I am around someone who annoys me.

  26. Skills that would make me a great employee (besides being a hard worker) includes typing at above and beyond 50 wpm and my knowledge of Microsoft Word. This extends but is not limited to business letter, reports, tables, outlines, and amazing internet research abilities. I am also great to work with because I am opptimistic and an enthusiastic worker. :)

  27. I can type around 45-50 wpm pretty easily. Every once in awhile i will get up to about 55. Im good at writing reports and utlines too. Im good at researching about a specific topic and doing a report on it.

  28. i type really really really fast :)

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