Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life in 2020

It's time to predict the future! Imagine that it's 2020. What do you think life will look like in terms of technology? What will personal computers look like? How will they be used? What are the ways that technology will impact our daily lives. Give us your predictions in three paragraphs or more. Remember to use good keyboarding technique as you compose.


  1. I believe that 2020 would have everything ecofriendly and most things would use solar power. Common computers and TVs would be 3-d compatible and everything in HD. Ipods/pads/phones etc would be even smaller with more things they could do. I also believe that scientists would have made at least simple working robots with basic A.I.

  2. *continuation

    I think that most vehicles would be small and compact but there won't be hovercars anytime soon. I think that hallograms would be at least in development for a lot of technology such as TVs, computers, and gaming consoles.

    I also think that people would rarely use paper anymore, everything would be on computers. Books would be read online or on devices such as I-pads.

  3. In terms of technology, i think that there will be a lot of advancements. Not only advancements in computers or ipods, but also in building design and vehicle designs. With the pace that we are going right now with advancing technology i think that we will have a lot of new things in the year 2020.

    Personal computers will be a lot smaller, faster, and will have more memory. I think that phones will either be turned into personal computers. The reason that i think they will be turned into personal computers is because they are very close to being there right now and i think in 2020 they will easily be there.

    How will computers be used? I really don't know how we will use this advanced technology, good or bad, but if i had to guess we will use it for good. If we use it for good, there will be a lot less oppurtunities for jobs because by that time it is a possibility that computers will be smart enough to think for themselve.

  4. I think that the future in 2020 will look very different. The technology will be far more advanced in almost everything. Computers will change, cars will change, and even home appliances will change for the better.
    Personal computers in the year 2020 will look way more advanced with fewer buttons and no keyboard at all. There will be a headband that you put on and it can read what you are thinking. This will allow for a much smoother easier keyboarding process.
    In the year 2020 cars will be able to drive themselves with no chance for accidents or traffic in busy cities. This will be possible with a series of computers in the car and in the road so that they can comminicate with eachother where and what the car needs to do next. They will also have much more futuristic designs to them with cool swooshes and vibrant colors.
    All these changes in technology will definately impact our daily lives. They will make everyday things such as driving easier and safer for the entire community. Even with home computers it will make things run smoother and faster like keyboarding and the actual speed of the internet.

  5. In 2020, I think the world will revolve around technology, even more than it does now. There will be many less jobs due to more companies adapting machines to work forthem. But I think there will be some new jobs opening up, that machines cannot do for us, such as working on highly dangerous chemicles or something.

    Natural disasters will become much more disastorous, because we will have a much higher population and much more expensive buildings. So when a natural disaster such as a tornado hits, it will kill many more lives than it does now, and cause way more damage and cost us a lot more money.

    I think the future will be overpopulated.

  6. All the technology will be way different than it used to be. Buildings and other places will be more high tech.
    Technology will so advanced that people wont have to work as hard as they have to now, for example in factories they will have more advanced machines so the workers wont have to do anything but sit there and make sure that there isnt a jam or disruption of the machine.
    People will spends way more money then they have because they arent working. The deployment rate will grow to massive numbers of people.

  7. In 2020, there will be a huge increase in technology, as well as the population. There will be more and more homeless people that are struggling to find food. Money will become an issue because the technology will become so expensive that the country will fall deeper in debt.
    People will end up fighting each other for stupid things. The world, not just a certain contry, will end up hating each other and will start nuking everything.
    I think the world will be a frightful place to live.

  8. In the year 2020 technology will be far more advanced than it is today. More people will be using technology in many more ways than we thought possibe. It will be hard to find a job because robots will be doing alot of jobs. Business owners will be looking for people that are far more advanced in technology than every before.

    The persoal computer will run everyones life. Cell phones and laptops will form together to make the computer of the future. Everyone will have to have one because that is the only way we will be able to do anything. We will no longer need any books or paper because it will all be on the computer of the future.

    In the year of 2020 everyone will need to have a computer or you won't get very far in life.


  9. In the year 2020 technology will be far more advanced than it is today.There will be robots and less jobs for people because of them.

    The personal computer will be small and will fit in your pocket just like a cell phone and it will work like a cell phone too. You can call poeple off your computer and it will make things a little easier.

    In the year of 2020 you will need a computer for you everyday needs.

  10. Eventually what will happen, computer will become smaller. Not all computers will be laptop size and all computers will not be laptops. Everything will eventually become more eco-friendly and cars will run on a different type of fuel that is not fossil fuel.

    The internet will eventually become very powerful even more powerful then it really is. Eventually when it does the government will force everyone to go under an alias and no one will be anonymous on the internet, you can not pretend to be someone else and you can not be anybody you want to.

    In the year 2020 everyone will have internet access though even people living out in the country, If the country still exists around in 2020. Major cities may take over all of the country and everybody will grow food and plants from inside there houses or on designated farming space.

    -Jeremy Irwin

  11. I think that in 2020 the technology will obviously not only be greater but it will fit everyone's lifestyles better. Computers will be smaller because they're already starting to get smaller as it is. Apple will advance their ipods, the ipad, and iphones even more than they already are.

    Technology is growing more and more every day. Phones will become more like computers (even though there are some phones out there that are already almost like a computer for your pocket. Cars will have probably changed as well because as of right now they're trying to make everything eco friendly. Cars will get smaller which they probably shouldnt cause then if you get in even a small car crash, it will do more damage.

    I believe that all computers are going to be in some form of a laptop and there will be no more desktop computers and if there are there won't be that many. Every job out there, if not already, will have computers and every household will need a computer. Eventually, because of technology growing, there won't be many jobs left out there because it will all be run by computers or some form of technology.

  12. In the year 2020, tech will have taken over, but the flying cars and hoverpacks aren't going to be around yet. The Iron Man suits and nural implants and personal A.I.s that have a holographic form aren't happening.

    Whats gonna change, you may ask. Warfare, because we aren't going to need to have a ton of troops out on the front lines. We'll probably have sucide bots that drive up with a bomb strapped on, or there will be killer planes that don't need piolts.

    Desktop computers will become obsolte and junked, only used for spare parts. There won't be any more Windows computers, only Mac since virus creators can't make Mac virus. The market for computers will rise, as well as jobs protaining to computers.

    There will be people who hate having computers running their lives, so there will be fighting. Machines will attack humans, as well as humans. Think of total war.

    The future...God help us all

  13. In 2020, I don’t really think technology will be way more advanced then what it is today. I believe that the only thing that is going to improve greatly would be the speed of the Computer’s. I don’t think that there will be any thing more complex then that. I think something’s that will change greatly would be the amount of computers purchased. More people with defiantly need them in the future.

    I also believe that the prices in computers will be way, way, more. I also think that there phones will turn into laptops, and everyone will have one..

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I believe that in 2020 personal computers will all be touch screen, the mouse will soon be gone. I also think that they might make it voice activated so you can say “INTERNET” and the internet tab will open. I think that the more expensive and advanced computers could be projected images that look like a screen but are actually just images floating in the air that are respondent to touch. I believe that our computers will be the main source of our house hold appliances, and our televisions, refrigerators, and telephones will all be hooked up and in relation to our home computer.

    Hand held appliances such as cell phones and iPods will be much more capable of surfing the web and will be much faster. Cell phones and iPods will have the potential to be smaller but will have to maintain some decent size in order to be operated by people. I think that once everything is hooked up to our personal computer things will run much smoother and more efficient, but if we were to have a problem with our computer things could go terribly wrong throughout your entire household.

    This is why I think that everyone will have some sort of a backup area for there computers memory and power incase the computer fails. People will most likely not have to exert as much energy around the house and will have technology capable of doing a lot of your daily chores. I don’t believe that computers will take over our lives but I do think that they will make them easier. With these advances in technology I believe that the world will be more connected and hospitals, police departments, and fire departments will all be responsive in emergency and the world will become a much smarter place because of the advances in computers.

  16. What do you think life will look like in terms of technology?

    -Well, to start, life itself will be much longer and healthier by 2020. Not only will medicines be far superior to current drugs, but aging will be prolonged. Right now, in 2010, scientists have all ready found a way of slowing the aging process. From what I've read, researchers predict that in the next century we will live to be one-hundred seventy plus years, healthy.
    -Life will be much simplier in terms of technology. It will be more readily avaliable and more affordable. The more advanced technology such as, touch screen, 3D, and LED, will all be a normality of that decade.

    What will personal computers look like?

    -Personal computers will be smaller, easily portable, and more powerful. The most powerful computers of our day could very well be shrunk down to a mere thirteen inch laptop and be sold for a fair price at Best Buy by 2020. I am sure by then the incorperation of 3D and touch screen technology will be incorperated into these new and extrodinary computers. Desktops will probably be eliminated with how powerful these laptops will be. Unless the new programs and technology our future selves develope are so powerful that the laptops cannot support.

    How will they be used?

    - Text books may be obsolete due to portable touch slates, such as the iPad. Computers and TV's may be merged further than they all ready are. Our entire house will run under one program and be fully operational from touch centers located around the house. Basically, a lot of technology taking away manual work, allowing us to be lazy.

    What are the ways that technology will impact our daily lives.

    - Responses above.

  17. I think in 2020 the internet will be the next biggest thing. They people will make it so that the Internet will be all around the world. Fast internet!!

    We will still have desktops. But the desktops will be more faster and have better hardware. you will be able to also run most of the desktop with your mind. so all you will have to do is think of what to look up and it does it for you.

    also think that most of the laptops will be like little ipods but 10x better. it will be able to stream better video and hold way more memory. it will be just like a laptop but as big as your hand.


  18. Technology will all be used either voice activated or touch activated, TV’s will be able to extend size with the push of a button, and everything in your house will have some type of technology in it. Everyone will have a pad on their walls that will be able to give you what you want with in an instant, for example; if you were to say orange juice…boom a glass of orange juice is in your hand already. Phones will be different too; they will be paper thin and 12 G. Everything will be completely different, the only thing without technology inside it are eatables. Personal computers will be touch screen key boards along with the monitors, mousses will be completely eliminated. Webcams will be built into them, and turning on and off your computer will literally take 1 second each time. Viruses, malware and all that good stuff will be harder to get rid of, hacking will be easier, but security systems will get better. By 2020 apple will be one of the only 3 companies make computers along with dell, and Toshiba. Our daily lives will have technology around every corner, in every spot, if you were in the mood for a pizza you would just say so, if you changed your mind then you got something else right away. We obviously will still have prices on everything, but everything would be affordable. Video games will bring you right into the game. Music will literally be in you, somehow accessing into your mind with the simple click of a button. Technology won’t be avoidable, our lives will only be technology. Alec Herbst- responses are in order by questions.

  19. Some aspects of life in 2020 will be simmilar and some will be different. People will depend on computers and phones to do almost everything in their lives. We see this today some but in the next ten years people will be more dependent then ever. In 2010 we already have pagers, phones, and computers leading our lives and telling us what to do. Ten years from now people will depend heavly on technolgy and communication. The I-Phone will be more advansed and computers will be much faster. Society demands for this and people will make it happen.

    Today we are slowly running out of Non renewable resources to burn. The world will slowly rely more and more on renewible energy instead of oil and gas. We will run out of many resources and will be foced to convert to clean energy like windpower and hydroelectric dams. This will be a key factor in our devolpment as a planet and keeping our Earth clean.

    There will be a higher demand for cheap labor due to our greedyness as a species. Compaines will convert to machines to do jobs that people once did. More and more business will go over seas to sell there products to less devlolped coutries. The demand for jobs will skyrockt and it wont be possible to get any high-paying job without at least a Bachleros degree.

  20. In the year 2020 I believe technology will be still evolving more rapidly than it is now. It will have evolved to a point where things start to sound ridiculous. We will be grossly involved with our computers. Instead of just having the i-pod and all that we will have an i-home security, or an i-toilet that lets you flush and then instantly sanitize all while you play Call of Duty, which is also hooked up to your brand new i-toilet.
    But then again maybe it will just be a part of us. Maybe all of our home appliances will be powered by one single touch screen home computer. Maybe we will have developed clean energy sources because of this overflow of knowledge. Maybe Wikipedia will actually be a reliable source in the year 2020.
    The technology fans will still be the same. All of the people who assume that Nintendo is only for kids, Microsoft has too many problems and that Sony has no games. Everyone will still be clogging up message boards and blogs with the “hate speech” that most, normal and functioning members of society will disregard.

  21. I think that in 2020 all of the technology would be different and more upgraded than what it is today. I bet that there wouldn’t be a lot of people reading news papers because they would probably be all on the news on TV’s, computers and other use of technology. Most likely buildings would be a lot different than what they are today. I’m betting the cars of the future will probably still be alike but they wouldn’t be hovering cars at by 2020.
    As for computer they could possible have a more upgraded computer where it can do a lot more and run faster than the computers we have in 2010, we could possibly have a flat kind of touch screen keyboard. The computers could be small enough to go where ever we go and have it where it can hold a lot of memory. The chance of computers getting smarter and more advanced could mean that there wouldn’t be a lot of jobs for people so it might not be such a good thing to upgrade the computers to where they could do things instead of us doing our jobs.

    The cars of the future could just end up staying some what similar to what they are today but it could be possible that someone comes up with to get cars to drive themselves and know where to go to places by giving the car directions. It would be a lot easier for people to get to where they need to be so they don’t end up getting lost. That way the death rate of people could go down because there could be less car accidents in the future. I doubt that by the year 2020 they would have hovering cars.
    - Linda

  22. I think in the year 2020 there will be much faster and bigger memory holding computers. I think there will much better medical treatments such as being able to treat more types of cancer. I also think mechanics will change and we will have slightly better and more efficent cars/other forms of transportations.

    -Forrest Smith

    I also believe that the worlds problems such as wars,economy, globle warming and so on, will get much worse. And people will not have as good of living enviroments as they do today.

    And lastly I think that everyones technology around the world will be much much better than todays, almost everything wil be touch screen and voice commanded, and cable tv will be improved to all high definition. So i believe that the world will be much better in some ways and in some ways not very good.

  23. I think the world in 2020 will be very technical. Such as computer will be very small with all touch and will have a lot of memory. Computers will also have a built in projector. I think computers will have everything they have today but easer to access. We won’t have to use paper due to all the high tech computers.
    In 2020 I think we will still be living here. We will not keep building houses though we will go up with buildings that will be used for various things. Like living, business, and farming. For our jobs we will use computers to find another planet to migrate on.
    Health wise we will all be a little sick from all the population and pollution. The buildings will give use more h2O so we won’t get as tired. We will grow all of or food healthy cause we will know all the side effects if we don’t.
    *Bailey Ullom*

  24. In 2020, I belive that keyboards will be holographic and make it so you can type on any surface available. I think that they will also make a device that transfers information into your brain so you dont have to go to school and gain your intelligence.

    There will be electronic everything in 2020. Electronic pencils, books, shoes, and even people. Yes. Robots will be here in 2020. They may try and take over the human race and kill all of us. You never know.

    Without a computer in 2020 you might as well call yourself a failure. You wont be able to get a job, make friends, go to school without a computer. Computer techology might just run our lives in the future.

  25. In ten years I think the world will become “green” based. All materials will be recyclable. We are going to be using electricity made from water, wind, or solar power. All cars will be hybrids or run of some sort of fuel besides gasoline that doesn’t cause pollution. But at the same time our planet will be much polluted like in the movie Wall-e.
    Over a hundred species of animals will be extinct because of all previous pollution damage. Also the Amazon rain forest will no longer exist.
    Technology will have advanced a lot. I think that all computers will no longer exist. Instead phones will be only be used. All phones would be voice activated, have internet, and be touch. All devices will be touch screen or voice activated like printers, cars, home security. Technology will probably the center of the world. Everyone will own a cell phone.
    But at the same time crime rate will increase, homeless rate will increase, and hunger rates will increase.
    The production of drugs will increase.
    Also some form of terrestrial life form will have been discovered.
    Also in the medicine world there will have been a cure for cancer, diabetes, HIV.
    Communism would have ended.
    The first female president would have been elected.

  26. I think that tech will be both a good thing and a bad thing. It will be good for the reason that every thing will be on one devise that flows you around like a puppy. Almost a robot hat looks like a floating eye and will project when you need it to a holographic touch screen. Or if you want to just tell it what you want and it will do It like start the coffee. This will also be bad because we well getting even more lazy if tech keeps progressing in that direction. And well basically generate a world with no need of physical activity. Which is bad.
    The automobile will be obsolete because we will have pressurized tubes leading to where we need to go simply step in the tube and away you go to your job, school, or a friends neighborhood. But we will not have them in our houses because of safety issues. Crimes will be taken care of quickly and quietly because the polese force will be replaced with sacuritrons which will be run by a human interface.
    Cooking will be replaced with dehydrated packets which will be placed in a microwave devise and turned into an amazing home cooked meal in seconds. Many jobs will be available because the economy will have straightened out by then and a lot of jobs will be hands free like answering phones and such. Also the military will be at a stand still from the constant development of nuclear weapons which cannot be used. For I would destroy us all. The military is working the combat this problem by reinstating :PROJECT REAPER: The creation of super soldiers through the genetic reconstruction of electrically charged stem cells.
    Corbin Renslow

  27. I think that technology won’t be that much different. Even though we are in a technology stage there is a block that you’re going to hit so either nothing that much is going happen or technology will boom and we will get a bunch of different things. So I think our country of ours is definitely going to make machinery that does everything for us. Other then that though I doubt we will come out with that much new technology it’ll just be additions on from the other technology we already got.
    I bet they come out with a bunch of new phones and computers that are going to have more apps/ things to do on them. Everything might be voice recognizable but most likely not, since the technology would be so hard to perfect. They could have holograms, holographic movies; iPods will just keep coming out with new apps. Who knows there might be something different with our world but we will probably just keep throwing money towards our military.
    So in my opinion I really doubt we will have that many things changed. All I think that’ll happen with our technology is that it’ll get more advanced, more features, more efficient. I don’t think we will come out with any world changing technology any time recently. The world may never know.
    -Jeremy Schoenick

  28. In the year of 2020, I predict that there will be unbelievable technology advancement for everything from PCs to everyday cars. There will be no difference between your laptop, your cell phone, and your I Pod. Everything you could ever need will be under your control in the palm of your hand by using one little device. They already have phones that can surf the web, play music, and make a call at the same time, but in ten years from now I think they’ll take that a step further by adding in the controls for all your televisions, light switches, car keys, etc. also, everything capable of being voice activated.

    This brings me into my next projection, having cars that can fly. I know we’ve all heard this before but it really isn’t that far from being a reality. We will at least have vehicles with autopilot so that the “driver” can simply speak his destination to his Mercedes, then sit back and enjoy the ride. There are already cars with voice activated phones and music playlist plus certain cars that will stir themselves back onto the road if it senses the driver falling asleep (not to mention Breathalyzers that won’t let the car start until the “driver” his cleared legal.

    Lastly, things like video games where it’s virtual reality to legitimately make the gamer feel in the game, giving you a view out of the running backs helmet, as they literally have to run the ball in order to score a touchdown in Madden 21. Things are moving extremely fast technology wise so I can’t wait to get to the future and experience these dreams coming true. ~Jake

  29. I think that the technology will be so different then what it is now. There won’t be huge monitors like people are using today and they’ll be replaced with little, really thin monitor. Our appliances will change. Our car probably won’t take gas anymore it will be all electric cars. Of course it will be affordable and it will change for the better.
    Our computers in 2020 will be very thin and small. They will be WAY more advanced then they are now. They will be faster than ever. There might be some type of computers that don’t even have a keyboard, they might just have a microphone and you talk into the microphone and it will show you on your computer screen.
    I don’t even know how computer will be used. It will be good, but that’s just my opinion. It will be very interesting to find out what it will be used for. Can’t wait to see what the future hold for the computer technology, because it used in our everyday lives.

  30. I think in 2020 the technology will be so much more advanced and popular. Computers will be used for everything. No more books, or newspapers, or paper assignments. Everything will be done by computer.
    I also think that in 2020 money will not be as much of an issue. I think the economy will get better and people will be able to find more jobs. Less people will be homeless and more will have nice homes.
    I think that people will become way lazier because they will have computers to do everything for them. They won’t need to cook because they can computer process it somehow and get it to do it for you. You won’t need to clean because computers will do it for you. Everything will be so much easier but yet everyone will be so lazy.
