Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Moves You?

"Who do you look up to?" is a common job interview question. The interviewer is trying to assess where you turn to find inspiration and motivation. So today I ask the question: Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you? How can you translate this inspiration into everyday actions on your part?


  1. The person who inspires me the most is my older sister. She has been through a lot of tough times and has overcame them all of her own. This inspires me because I know that if I get into a bad situation there is always a way to get through it, and to try to avoid these situations in the first place.

  2. My inspireror, is Kobe Bryant.
    I think the reason I look up to him is because he tries his hardest at what he does, and he is great at it. I've been a of the Los Angeles Lakers for a while, but I've always been a fan of Kobe. He is a great individual ball player, and he is modest.

    I think I can translate this inspiration into my everyday life, by being like him. If I tried my hardest on everything I do, I think I would be more successful with my life, and I would be a good individual.
    As it is, I am kind of lazy, and if I look up to Kobe Bryant, he isn't lazy at all (That i've seen), so I wish I can grow up with the motto liek him, and try my hardest.

  3. If I had to choose one person that I look up to the most I would have to day Brian Dawkins. He inspires me, not only because of the way he acts on the field, but also the way the he acts off of the field. Dawkins is a very good guy in every thing that he does. He has never cussed in his entire life and he is never cocky when he plays football. Brian inspires me and teaches me that there is no need to be cocky with the things that you do, all that you need to do is to be the best that you can be.

  4. In my life i look up too many people such as Mother Teresa. I think that she is very inspiring because she devoted her entire life to helping poor, sick, orphan children in India. Mother Teresa also founded the missionaries of charity it 1950. This charity helped those of the less fortunate all around the world. Mother Teresa is inspriring because she devoted her whole life to helping people and I think that is very inspirational. Like Mother Teresa always says "The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it."

  5. The person that inspires me most is Donald Driver. I look up to him because he has been trying, and still is, his hardest in every game. He has played for the Packers his entire NFL career and the Packers are my favorite team.
    He has been with the Packers in good times and bad times, and never gives up hope when the team starts doing bad. He had played in every game for four seasons straight--until this year. He is also good at what he does for a living, always has been and always will be.

    Donald Driver is a good athlete and person. He offers support to people in times of need. Like hurricane Katrina, he sent money down for the people in shelters.

  6. I can't really think of anyone that gives me inspiration.

  7. James Bond inspires me.. He stands up for what is good and he is very chill. He never gives up and somehow against all odds wins the day. Ever since i was a boy i wanted nothing more than to be like him. James bond complets me

  8. The only person who comes to mind that inspires me, without choosing the easiest answer, is Jeff Ginn, my dad. He was born to a poor family in a poor town, his parents split when both he and my uncle were young. His parents never really pushed him to get good grades, and nobody expected him to become the person he is today.

    He went through many hardships, but he never let them keep him down for too long. He has never stopped learning everything he can. He's always teaching me to be better, to roll with the punches.

    He gets angry, but only with good reason. He never cusses,doesn't drink himself drunk, and always carries himself as a leader. I'm dead serious when I say that I trust him with my life, because you can always trust him to do the right thing.

    'Nuff Said.

  9. Steve Sticker the fifth ranked golf in the world standings is my hero. He inspires me because he grew up in Wisconsin and couldn't golf in the winter months, but still managed to become one of the top golfers in the world. I use this inspiration for many things. For one I use it to keep me motivated and to practice whatever I can, golf related, in doors during winter months. I also use this inspiration, when things aren't looking very good, so I can find motivation to not give up.

  10. The person who inspires me the most is my older sister. She has been through many of my tough and never gave up on me. She is the best sister in the world if she was not there for me i dont know what i would a have done in my life. I have no idea what i would do without her. This inspires me because I know that if I get into a bad situation there is always a way to get through it, and she will be there for me no matter what.

  11. The people that inspire me are my family and my teachers. My family inpires me to try new things,they also help me overcome my problems. Even though i may think i can handle it on my own they know i can't at times.

    My teachers also inpire me because they tell me that i can do anything or be anything i want as long as i try my hardest. They always offer me help when they see im struggling. I can tell they dont want me to fail and with having in my life that inpire me will lead me down the right path.

    Im glad i have these kind of people in my life to help me when i dont know what to do or what choices to make. These are the poeple that inpire me and i look up to in my everyday life.

  12. The person who inspires me and who I look up to is my dad. He was born in Spring Valley and went to school with a class of only 40 people and has told me he didn't do very well in school either, but after all of that he has still come out to be a pretty awesome father. He has gone through some stuff, I wouldn't say he has had a hard life and I wouldn't say it has been to easy either. We always have some interesting conversations on various subjects and he has always been super smart and knows, almost everything.

    So, my dad... pretty cool guy.

    -Jeremy Irwin

  13. The person i look up to most is Tupac. I look up to him cause he was always having a good time. Don't do the things he did but he did what his heart told him to and he is a very good figure to look up to if you minus all the criminal activities he has done. His music is very inspiring and has a good beat.
    -Jeremy Schoenick

  14. My sisters Kristin and Kim inspire me the most. Even though they aren't around as much as I'd like them to be, I always knoe that I can call them and see them any time. They've always been there for me when I've needed them and they've been there since the day I was born. Were all almost exactly alike.

  15. The person who inspires me the most is my recruiter. It is important, both to me and him, that I am ready for the physical challenge of boot camp. As such, he is constantly pushing me to do my best both physically and academically. This isnt something special for him, he does this for all of his recruits, but it is inspiring to have someone who always pushes you to do more than you knew you were capable of.

  16. I think that my biggest inspiration is my father. Whenever i need advice i ask him, because he usually has a good answer.

    He is also very smart and has a PHD so that is something to look up to. He also has many of the same intereasts as i do. He has a succesful and good paying job, and i want that when get older.

    He is my inspiration and has taught me a lot of things that im grateful for.

  17. The person who would have to inspire me would have to be my dad because he has been bankrupt and in the whole and now he has bounced back and is living a normal life now

  18. My inspiration would have to be Justin Morneau. Everybody when they look at the Minnesota Twins the only thing that comes to mind is Joe Mauer, and I’m not saying that Mauer isn’t good, he’s actually fantastic, but Morneau doesn’t get nearly as much credit and publicity as much as Mauer. Personally Morneau is my favorite ball player and that is because he goes out there and works as hard as the other guy, he’s been and MVP and he has shown that he can be the face of this franchise too. He’s also a very good person off the field, leading charity drives and proving that he’s a good guy. Everyday that I go back out onto the baseball field I need to be like him, try hard and don’t give up. - Alec Herbst

  19. I would have to say that the person that has insired me the most since my dad died would have to be my brother Donald. He has always help me get through tough times and told me too look on the bright side of things. He would inspire me to try try again and that when soemthing get hard to never back down.
    He is always on my back about my school work and to stay out of trouble. I know that he does a lot of this because he wants me to have a better life and education then the rest of the family.

  20. I listen to a lot of modern metalcore music. Mostly being inspired by the musical talent in bands like Attack Attack! or The Devil Wears Prada, especially in their recent albums. But since I've been working on producing, mixing, and mastering elements of music, I've noticed how well done their recent albums have been. Joey Sturgis, 25 years old, has produced, mixed, and mastered a multitude of professional albums. I absolutely love his style. Making everything big, unique, and with so much power and attack. I share and am inspired by his technique in the studio.

  21. The man that I look up to the most is named Rajon Rondo. He is the point guard for the Boston Celtics and I believe he is the best point guard in the NBA. I love Rondo’s game because he is extremely unselfish and always hustling. He is very fun to watch with his electric style of play and does moves people have never seen before. A few years ago he was actually the guy holding back the Celtics from being great and received all the blame for their losses. Most guys would let this get to them and over time give up and disappear. I like Rondo because he was not like these guys; he actually was the complete opposite. He busted his butt, working even harder than he ever had and improved his game big time. This is proven because he now is the leader of the Celtics despite having four other future Hall-of-Famers on the team. He alone is taking the NBA to a new level with the skills he now possesses and will likely find himself in the All-Star game for many years to come. I idolize him because by seeing a guy like that on TV. I can then go and try and imitate his ways in my own life, not only with his basketball talents, but also his character on and off the court. In a post game interview he never boast about himself, instead he always gives the credit to his teammates, coaches, fans, God, etc. Rajon Rondo is already a great ambassador of the game and I predict him to continue to be for many years to come.

  22. The person that inspires me is my pitching coach Tara. She doesn’t only teach me how to pitch she teaches me confidence, and how to be a team player. Tara plays for UW-Stout pitching for there softball team. She always helps me be positive no matter what happens in my life and understands me.

  23. The person who inspires me is Synyster Gates from the band Avenged Sevenfold. The reason why I admire him so much is because of the talent he has at playing guitar. Synyster Gates has won the award of ‘Guitarist of the Year” and “Young Shredder”. Every time I play my guitar I think about how much I would love to play like him and he motivates me to practice.

  24. I look up to many people, but one of my favorite aunt marinanita. she has gone thorugh a lot of things in her life but she still keeps a smile on her face. She is caring, and loving, and give her opinion when its needed. Shes like 2nd mom to me. shes always been there thorught the good and bad. She's just an amazing person. She never turns her back on anybody no matter how much they have messed up. I simpler terms she looks at the glass half full.

  25. The person who inspires me the most is professional skateboarder Chris Cole. He possesses the unnatural ability to make the most difficult things look so easy that a child could do it. He gets to travel around the world and meet new people and do what he loves for a living. Not only that but he has also given a lot back to the skateboarding community by starting his own skate shop in Philly, where kids can come and just hang out and really be themselves. But again he is doing what he loves, and he is humble about it, i want to be that guy. I want to be doing the things i love fifteen years from now. -James Kelly
